Our organisation

On Taalschool de Kameleon we aim for small groups (about 15 students). The whole year new students can and will join us and start on our school. Four times in the year there is a possibility for children to go to their new school if they are the on the correct level.On Taalschool de Kameleon we have six groups. We try organize the groups on age:

Group Paars is for toddlers with the age of 4 to 6.
Group Groen is for toddlers with the age of 4 to 6.
Group Geel is for children with the age of 6, 7 or 8 years.
Group Rood is for children with the age of 8, 9 or 10 years.
Group Oranje is for children with the age of 9, 10 or 11 years.
Group Bruin is for children with age of  9,10, 11 years.
Group Roze is for children with age of 10, 11, 12 years.
Group Blauw is for children with the age of 11 or 12 years.

Learning the Dutch language for speaking and writing, reading, arithmetic and writing are very important for the transition to the next school. We are also working on the students getting to know the customs in the Netherlands. For this we are busy with a new subject on our school.The youngest children have one time in the week gymnastics from a subject teacher and the other groups have two times gymnastics.Beside all these subject we also take time for expression subject like music and handcrafts.